

This is a network of vulnerable women, who bear the scars of GBV, sexual abuse, insecurity, illiteracy poverty, economic inequity and political bureaucracy devoted to use the locally available resources within their reach to find solutions to their problems.

The women of Mrima slums in Likoni are determined to break the chair of stigmatization and poor economic status in order to improve their live hoods.

This group of vulnerable women consisting of widows, young mothers, single mothers, sexual works, people living with disabilities and rescued drug addict creates viable platform of women providing power and authority to engage in mobility learning, life skills training, ecological activities, cultural interactions networking and advocacy for the benefits of their households.

This platform interactions yields to the following models;

  1. Business training and administration, this model allow women to get trained and acquire skills in implementing their business,

They learn about,

  1. Book keeping.
  2. Business budget plan.
  3. Marketing strategies.
  4. Value addition.
  5. Growth and partnerships.

This changes their mindset and blossoms development

2. Micro-finance.

In this model the women generate cash at a table and issue as a small soft loan to members who need the money to improve their small scale businesses.

In return they pay a small amount of interest. In this way the money circulates within the group members, empowering themselves.

Any financial donation is centralized at the table for women to borrow. The borrowing limit gradually increase for good cash. We call this system, “Table banking.’’

The women are later introduced to banking systems for transparency and accountability.

3. Permaculture activities for good nutrition and sustainability, the model is about three factors;

  • Earth care
  • People care
  • Equity in resource mobilization and utilization

The women in the quest to implement the three mentioned above factors, they devotedly engage in;

  1. Planting of vegetables in used containers and sacks, using the limited available spaces in their homes and group facility.

The vegetables are used for consumption and source of income generation

  • Growing of mushrooms, this is a rear type of farming activity that needs minimal space and man power but needs a lot of training for best results. The project is at its pilot stages with the construction of the mud and makuti thatched house, in preparation for mushroom growing, after training and facilitation of the women on how to implement the project.

We seek for partnership in the technical training, material provision of seeds, Packaging and necessary tools for both local and international marketing for our finished products.

With our collective responsibility, we look forward to a viable and sustainable model of mushroom growing which will boost both good nutrition and income generation for improved live hoods.

  • Poultry keeping

These project involves keeping both local and high breed birds for sustainability. Currently, the project is underway with a good number of local breed for domestic use. 

We seek partnership to establish a viable broilers project for sustainability.

  • Use of renewable energy and recycling of plastic,

The women collect used plastic bottles and tops, wash them clean and then resell them to detergent sellers, fresh juice vendors and water sellers.

This activity cleans our environment and generates cash to the group.

We encourage the women to use solar torches and panels in their businesses and house for those who don’t have access to electricity

In future, we seek for partnership in technical training of women in assembling the solar panel energy system, for career development.

  1. Women in art, craft and culture,

Women engage in art and craft activities making of bracelets, beads, door mats and other artifacts, practicing of cultural dances and customs for income generation and identity. This also supports eco ethics tours and trade fair. 

  • Bench making activities

Women need continuous learning and cross sharing of ideas from others, or different groups that share the same passion and devotion

We seek for both local and international bench making activities in order to catalyze learning and development within the group. currently, we do local bench makings.

  • Vocational skills training i.e. baking, hair dressing, tailoring and computer for career development space.
  • Socio – psycho guiding and counselling for trauma and GBV cases. 

The networking provide intensive beehive of activities to suit each member’s need and participation.

Our main aim is to establish a comprehensive resource centre to serve the purpose of women rescue, support and employment

We need partnership with other stake holders/volunteers of specialization in

  1. Teaching and training in business and micro finance
  2. Agriculture skills and support
  3. Sport and talent skills trainers.
  4. Resources mobilizers and managers
  5. Psychologists for counseling
  6. Mentors and motivators
  7. Friends and companions

‘’Helping and empowering a woman is empowering a community’’.